List Of Ad Network

February 8, 2010

Casale Media

Casale Media is a reputable 1st tier ad network. You earn 70% revenue share which can earn you anywhere from $0.45-$1.20 CPM on all banner ad you aid. Put lone of all banner ad format on all page of your site and you can earn anywhere from $1.30-$3.60 Page CPM. If you aspire to earn even more, you can furthermore aid their Popunders everywhere you can earn anywhere from $3.00-$5.00 CPM with them.Casale Media is the single advertising network with the intention of puts the power to control each aspect of default supply into publishers’ very own hands. Whether you’re seeking an effectual way to fill unsold supply or need a reputable network to represent your full inventory, Casale Media has the infrastructure and the tools to help you garner the highest possible dollar value for each advertisement served on your mess properties.Casale Media offers many uncommon ad formats that you can use. These include popunders, skyscrapers, leaderboards, and that.
ValueClick Media Ad Network
Generate Money by placing quality ValueClick Media advertising on your website. Earn up to an industry-high 65% monthly payout on all CPC and CPM advertising revenue your website generates! Also refer other publishers and earn 5% of their earnings.Ad formats that can be used on your site include 728/468 Banner Ads, 160/120 SkyScraper Ads, InVue Ads, Interstitial Ads, Half Page Ads, Rectangle Ads, Pop Unders, plus more.
AdBrite is the advertising service that enables the people who visit your site to purchase ads directly on your site. You decide which ad products to offer and what to charge for them. AdBrite serves your ads, bills your advertisers, and sends you a monthly check.
Text Link Ads
Make money selling text links on your site. All text links posted to your website are pre approved by human editors to assure quality and relevance. You receive 50% of the sale price for each text link ad sold off your website through our system. The display of text links from Text Link Ads can be added to the same pages on your site as Google AdSense, Yahoo! Publisher Network, and other contextually served ads.
A search targeted advertising network focusing on comparison shopping. Our Publisher Network is growing everyday. Join today to start earning money from your traffic! Submit a Publisher Application for your blog or website. Applications usually take 24-72 hours for approval. Upon approval, you will be given access to CopaClick Publisher. There you will be able to generate advertisement code to paste on to your blog or website. Once the advertisement code is in place, you will begin to earn money from your blog or website’s traffic!
Parked – Earn from your Domains
The parked revenue program was created to help domain holders and registrars maximize revenue from their domains, and to do so in the simplest, most convenient fashion. We pay you 65% of all revenues generated from searches, popunders, popups, and exit popups. You are also paid 10% of all earnings from accounts which you referred. Stats are updated every hour.
The Admanage search and display ad network pays a 60/40 revshare and helps affiliates monetize website traffic with PPC (Pay Per Click), In Text Ads, CPC Banners, Display Ads, Popup Ads, CPV Interstitials and Domain Parking. Websites, bloggers and application developers can increase income with ad units that include banners, in text ads, xml search feeds, and cpv interstitials. Earn a 5% Referral Bonus for each affiliate you refer from the Referral Program. Payments are always on time. Sign up Today!

ExoClick is a pay per click platform that provides services for advertisers and publishers. is owned by ExoClick S.L., a European company based in Barcelona, Spain.

Becoming an ExoClick publisher will give you many benefits including some of the following:

1. Get detailed hits and clicks statistics, delivered to you real-time.
2. Have your earnings paid to you weekly through Paypal or Epassporte.
3. Promote and get a 5% referral bonus, lifetime.
4. ExoClick has friendly support in 4 languages. English, Spanish, French and Polish.
5. ExoClick offers many marketing tools that you can use like:
– Categorized web portals.
– Search Boxes.
– Ads Boxes to place on your site.
– Domain parking.
– XML Feed.

Referral Kings Publisher Network 
Referral Kings gives webmasters the opportunity to earn additional income by simply adding clickable targeted text ads on their websites or blogs. With Referral Kings you can earn from using their different media types. Some of these include: RK Video Ads, Inline Text Links, Text Banners, XML Feeds, and more…
Aside from earning a 70% profit share from displaying the Referral Kings ads on your blogs or websites, you are also able to earn up to 85% ad revenues including your referrals. 

Seven top tips for success

February 5, 2010
As a summary, here are my seven top tips for search engine success:
1 Find a great niche and create great content. Give your users
good reasons to come back and to bookmark, tag, and link to
your site. If you do only this and nothing else, your site will rank
well without any specific optimization activity. (See Step 1.)
2 Lay the right foundations. Host your site with a fast and flexible
provider, and structure the site symmetrically and with a logical
domain name, directory structure, and filenames. (See Step 2.)
3 Do everything you can with the assets under your control in
terms of on-page SEO, but realize that this only gets you to the
start line in the race for decent rankings. SEO is not simply an
exercise in decent copywriting. (See Step 3.)
4 Spend more time on directory submissions, article writing, and
online press releases. Provide a hook. Your site must be newsworthy,
funny, or controversial, or at the very least full of great
resources. (See Step 4.)
5 By all means use paid advertising, but only as an adjunct to a
decent organic search campaign (rather than the other way
around). Save money by targeting long-tail terms, tuning match
drivers, and crafting decent landing pages. (See Step 5.)
6 If your business has a local angle, put some focus into local
directory listings, geo-targeting, language optimization, and
Google Earth/KML optimization. As the web gets more local,
your investment will pay dividends. (See Step 6.)
7 If you can, create a business advisory blog and make it easy for
others to tag and syndicate your content and products. Increase
your presence on wikis, lenses, and other social networking sites
to futureproof your rankings. As a summary, here are my seven top tips for search engine success:1 Find a great niche and create great content. Give your usersgood reasons to come back and to bookmark, tag, and link toyour site. If you do only this and nothing else, your site will rankwell without any specific optimization activity. (See Step 1.)2 Lay the right foundations. Host your site with a fast and flexibleprovider, and structure the site symmetrically and with a logicaldomain name, directory structure, and filenames. (See Step 2.)3 Do everything you can with the assets under your control interms of on-page SEO, but realize that this only gets you to the

How to Protect ClickBank Products from Online Theft

February 5, 2010
One of the biggest problems faced by ClickBank merchants is the expose of content theft – public downloading their digital products lacking paying for them.

To gain illicit access to downloadable product files, single-minded content thieves exploit a range of security weaknesses, all of which can be eliminated if the correct protective measures are applied. Here, we will look by solely lone area of vulnerability and a simple precaution with the intention of one ClickBank commercial can use to protect against it.

Most ClickBank merchants understand with the intention of here must never be links to downloadable product files and thank-you pages from the other pages on their website. The single way to access a product file must be via its thank-you page, which similarly must be accessible single via the ClickBank payment process. Observance of these unadorned guidelines will ensure with the intention of here is thumbs down way to navigate frankly to your downloadable content.

This deal with furthermore ensures with the intention of the thank-you page will not be indexed by search engine spiders, which is essential, as nothing may possibly be more harmful to product security than a thank-you page with a #1 Google ranking!

However, we must not overlook the risk with the intention of your thank-you page and product file URLs could be distributed in underground newsgroups and forums. While this could not necessarily lead to an immediate avalanche of illicit downloads, the expose exists with the intention of the forum posting will eventually be indexed by a search engine and with the intention of this will provide an indirect route by which the thank-you leaf itself becomes indexed.

Astonishingly, the solution proposed by approximately so-called web security experts is to list your thank-you pages in your web server’s robots.Txt file – a configuration file with the intention of informs search engines which pages must be excluded from indexing.

It’s real that this deal with ordinarily prevents indexing of the thank-you pages. But it creates an even greater weakness – it provides one would-be hacker with straightforward access to the exact names and locations of all your supposedly hidden files.

It cannot be over-emphasized – never list your product files or delivery pages in your web server’s robots.Txt file! To explicitly bring to a standstill a thank-you page being indexed by spiders, use the following Meta tag in the element of each thank-you page:

&ltmeta name=”robots” content=”noindex, nofollow” />

Although a search engine could discover your thank-you pages by approximately indirect route, it will silently ignore one page with the intention of contains the above Meta tag.

Of course, this is just lone of several vulnerabilities with the intention of expose your downloadable products to the risks of theft. Inside chapter 21 of “ClickBank – The Definitive Guide”, I examine the total gamut of techniques with the intention of online thieves aid to steal your merchandise and I explain several of the generally effectual ways in which this problem can be tackled.

Price for ClickBank Products for Maximum Profit

February 5, 2010

Choosing the right price for your digital products is lone of the generally critical, yet difficult, aspects of your business strategy.

Most merchants understand with the intention of over-valuing a manufactured goods kills sales. It is furthermore positively well understood with the intention of under-pricing cuts the element revenue lacking one promise of a significant gain in sales volume. But hardly any public are aware of a third (but equally important) pricing observation; with the intention of compromise pricing can be as risky as either of the other two blunders.

To understand why this is the case, we need to examine the doctrine that lie behind effectual pricing strategy. In general, merchants adopt one of two key philosophies as they price a product. They either fit the price by a low level (which produces a low margin but high sales volume), or they point out a high price level (which trades rancid volume in order to gain margin).

These two approaches are known correspondingly as “penetration pricing” and “pricing for profit.” The former strategy is typically used by new competitors in a market, or by existing retailers that need to quickly set up a position of dominance after a product launch. The latter technique is favored by established businesses with mature products, everywhere the objective is to earn the maximum profit yield from an existing dominant market position.

It is clear that, whether the strategy is to price low or distinguished, going too far in either direction can be self-defeating. But mid-way pricing is equally ineffective, as it compromises both strategies; it unnecessarily discounts the product lacking responsibility so satisfactorily to generate a noteworthy enhancement in volume.

Equally a publisher of digital merchandise, you are by a evident benefit over traditional merchants, since here are no marginal costs associated with your business. Regardless of how low you choose to price your product, you are still guaranteed to trade show a gross profit on each deal. In contrast, a merchant of physical goods has real fulfillment costs (product manufacturing, damaged and unsold inventory, storage space, shipping and handling) that impose a fixed lower price limit not more than which all deal represents a loss. This benefit affords you splendid flexibility in your pricing, but even if you aid this flexibility to pursue a penetration pricing strategy, you should still be aware of the expose of counter-productive price-cutting.

Some ClickBank merchants use an experimental deal with to pricing. Their aim is to set up the most profitable price through trial an error. Although this is understandable, even logical, it can be a customer-relations nightmare. You must think carefully previous to over-pricing a product and subsequently being mandatory to reduce the price in order to stimulate demand. Nobody likes to return to a website and see that a product they already purchased is currently being existing by a decrease fee.

The opposite deal with is to steadily boost prices from a low level, and is usually less of a cause for interest. Some merchants launch their products with a with intent low introductory price – a benefit that they emphasize in their sales pitch. The time-limited, or volume-limited, nature of this technique can be a powerful incentive to buy, and it also allows the commercial a trial cycle in which to observe sales behavior previous to setting a definitive fee to come across his longer-term strategic objectives.

Google Adworld:The Bully Technique

February 4, 2010

clickbank Getting traffic

February 4, 2010

You now want to get targetted visitors clicking on your hoplink and making a purchase.
A good affiliate program may provide useful promotional material.
The whole topic of getting traffic and advertising is beyond the scope of this guide

clickbank Link cloaking

February 4, 2010

The basic hoplink is not ‘protected’. A customer can simply substitute his own nickname and get commission
for the purchase.
There are techniques and tools which can encrypt (or cloak) your hoplink to prevent link theft.

Promoting the product

February 4, 2010

Sign up for the affiliate program
Once you are happy that the affiliate program is worth promoting and does not suffer from potential ‘leaks’
you can collect your affiliate link, known as a hoplink.
It has the format where you substitute xxxxxxxx with your
You should check the validity by clicking on it and following through to the ClickBank order page where you
should see [affiliate=yournickname] at the bottom.
If not then you may have incorrectly formatted your hoplink or it’s possible that the affiliate program has been

How to succeed with ClickBank

February 4, 2010

Finding the product
You can search for a product at the ClickBank Marketplace where several thousand vendors display their
products in an organized directory.
3.1.2 Is the product worth promoting ?
a) Look at the product price and commission rates
You should aim for products with a reasonable rate of commission, say 50%, to make your efforts worthwhile.
Be aware that ClickBank deducts transaction fees from a sale: here is a calculator
b) Is it an in-demand item ?
The Marketplace listings are ranked by popularity, so you can see which are the in-demand items. Popularity
is determined by a number of factors, the main being the amount of sales and the number of affiliates making
sales over the last 8 weeks. Note therefore that a product at the low end may still turn out to be popular
especially if it is new.
c) How effective is the sales page ?
Visit the sales page of the product to confirm that the sales copy does a good job of selling the product.
(There’s another important factor – sales page leaks – which we cover in the next section)
3.1.3 Check out the affiliate support
The vendor should provide you with much more than just a link to join the affiliate program. Check for any
useful promotional material (e.g. sample ads, articles, solo mailings, endorsement/reviews, signatures).
Ideally there will be an affiliate mailing list so that the vendor can convey useful news. You want someone
reliable who won’t disband a program or make rule changes without telling you.
Tip: Check how responsive the vendor is with a simple enquiry.

ClickBank basics

February 4, 2010
Before talking about ClickBank a brief explanation for anyone who is completely new to the world of Internet
The most common – and simplest – way to make money on the Net is to become an ‘affiliate’ which means
you get paid commission for making sales of other people’s products. You leave the whole task of product
creation, web sales copy, order processing and customer support, to the vendor: your job is simply to get the
word out about the product.
You are given an affiliate link which leads the customer to the sales site and identifies you as the person who
gets credit if a sale is made.
One of the most popular affiliate programs is ClickBank.
They are in fact the world’s largest provider of digital products – essentially ebooks and software. You can
choose from over 30,000 products in many categories and their affiliate program is simple to join.
As a guide the average price of a ClickBank product is $41. The average commission rate is 55%, although
the top sellers often offer a much higher rate e.g 70% or 75% (the maximum).
We can say that success with ClickBank boils down to
– selecting a suitable product
– promoting (getting the word out) about the product