Archive for the ‘Teenager Fitness’ Category

Bodybuilding Protein Supplements

August 17, 2009

Bodybuilding is an activity that deals with the building of muscles and obtaining a great physique. The process of bodybuilding is a long one and requires constant hard work and lot of endurance and determination. One of the key elements for the process of bodybuilding is the requisite of a high nutritious diet. The diet should provide proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals and fats. However, apart from the regular meals, they use supplements to improve performance and enhance their training.

Protein, also known as the building block of our body, is the prime component that is required to build muscles and repair the tissues. If there will be inadequacy of proteins in the body, then it will use the proteins for carrying out the routine bodily functions, virtually leaving no proteins left to be used for the purpose of muscle building. Aside from this, it would also have an adverse effect on your body immune system. This is where protein supplements come to play. They pave way for fastening the bodybuilding program as well as enhancing the strength and caliber.

Bodybuilding protein supplements are made up of amino acids that are basically used in building body muscles. According to experts, bodybuilders must consume at least 1-2 grams of proteins per pound of lean bodyweight, so as to ensure that they have taken their minimum protein intake. Some of the most popular protein supplements are whey, egg, soy, casein and hemp seeds. Whey protein supplement are good for the post-workout session, a time when the body requires utmost proteins. Also, whey proteins are easy in terms of digestion.

Another effective protein supplement is egg white protein. A lactose and dairy free protein, it is not only good for health but also takes only 1.5-3 hours for digestion. For people who follow vegetarianism, Soy protein is the best available option. It contains all essential amino acids and also isoflavones. In case of injuries, casein protein is the most effective and aides in quick recovery. Yet another option available is hemp seed. It contains complete and highly digestible protein.

Natural Bodybuilding Secrets

August 17, 2009

These days, innumerable varieties and brands of body building supplements are hitting the market and are gaining popularity among the youth. But it is always advisable to try out natural bodybuilding secrets that can enable you to get the desired muscles in a natural manner, without depending upon unhealthy muscle enhancing drugs, which can lead to several health hazards. Read further to explore information about bodybuilding natural nutrition…

Natural body building and fitness are directly proportional to each other, in the sense, if you choose the path of natural body building, it will also ensure your health fitness. If you wish to have the muscular body that attracts attention, then it’s like a must to follow a strict regimen of carrying out regular bodybuilding workout and consuming muscle enhancing natural food supplements like whey proteins.

It is vital to set goals for yourself, because if your goal is there in your mind, it becomes easier to decide as to how much effort has to be put in. To say, for example, if you want to build muscles for participating in some competition, then definitely, there is a need to put in extra efforts. When you feel like skipping your exercise, then remind yourself of your goal and don’t allow your heart to overpower your mind.

Eating proper nutrition is of extreme importance, as it helps a great deal in burning your calories on one hand and building your muscles on the other. You should consume about 17-19 calories per lb of body weight for muscle gaining. Your food intake should be such that, 30% of calories should be contributed by proteins, 50% by natural carbohydrates and 20% should come from fats. Processed foods and foods containing high sugar content should be avoided. Make it a point to consume 1 gram of protein per lean pound of body weight per day, at any cost.

As far as natural bodybuilding workout is concerned, carry out the basic exercises, that people have been doing till now and never commit the mistake of over training, because excess of everything is bad, so, go slow and steady. Each muscle needs to be worked, but only once per week. So, if you work on the same muscle again in a week and that too at the expense of some other muscle, then it won’t do any good to your body. So, adopt natural bodybuilding and give it your best shot and the success would be undoubtedly yours.

Diet For Body Builders

August 17, 2009

An hour of tough workout and a carefully planned nutritional diet goes a long way in assuring a good physique. For body builders, consumption of a balanced diet becomes quintessential. Believe it or not – appropriate nutrition truly decides how successful one can be in the bodybuilding schedule. The diet should be planned in a manner that it helps in muscle gaining and not in weight gain. You must also realize that consuming supplements alone will not do wonders for your body. They can only enhance and contribute to the bodybuilding process.

Ideally the body building diet should include food items that contain all categories of nutrients. It is essential to consume all the nutrients, be it proteins, carbohydrates or fats. Some of the various items that bodybuilders can consume for the intake of proteins are: lean meat, fish, eggs, milk, nuts etc. For carbohydrates, brown rice, potatoes, whole meal bread, fresh fruits and vegetables can be the best bet. However, indulging in white flour products can rebound your efforts.

Basic Rules
As a bodybuilder, the foremost thing you need to do is follow the basic rules of diet. Go for small and regular feedings, instead of binging on irregular and large ones. The best option would be to eat six meals a day, spaces out at 2 ½ hours intervals. The proportion of carbohydrates, fats and protein intake should be in the ratio of 4:2:4. This ratio ideally helps in reducing weight and building an impressive muscular body. However, make sure you do not consume carbohydrates three to four hours before going off to sleep.

Week 1 & 2
An important rule for week the first two weeks would be to cycle calories intake. This would help your body avoid the metabolism from getting used to a certain caloric level. For those, who want to increase the muscle mass, go for two days of lower calorie and five days of high calorie diet. However, those of you, who want to lose fat; you need to follow five days of lower caloric intake and two days of high calories. Remember, you diet should provide you with support to indulge in the higher level of physical activity.

Week 3 & 4
Instead of frying food items, begin roasting and steaming. Go for skinless chicken or turkey, instead of high fat meats. Processed foods and junk foods are strict no-no for bodybuilders. The next step would be to eliminate refined sugars from the diet. High sugar content foods like fruit juices and carbonated drinks should pave way for diet sodas. In due course of time, the best bet would be to settle down to water. Make it your main beverage and increase its consumption level. Follow this diet plan, as it is sure to augment with your efforts for a good build-up.

Bodybuilding Nutritional Supplement

August 17, 2009

Bodybuilding is not a one-day activity and requires a constant hard work, to achieve the desired results in the form of a great physique. However, the question is – who has got the patience today? People look for fitness supplements to help boost their build ups without bothering about the side-effects. Stores stocked with chemicals and supplements are a proof of this. Talking about supplements, the best deal would be to go for natural ones. They fasten the process of your muscle building, thus enabling you to achieve your ultimate goal faster, with no harmful effects. To know more about the nutritional bodybuilding supplements, browse through following lines.

Bodybuilding Nutritional Supplement

Proteins are the building blocks of our body and helps in improving body composition and building muscle. Bodybuilders should engage in high protein diet, because of their indulgence in strenuous workout. Protein gives a boost to the energy level, thereby helping you carry out more intense workouts perform and perform for a longer duration. Remember, a heavy built person needs more proteins, when compared to a person of average or lean built. The best way to give your body the necessary proteins is to incorporate protein food supplements such as whey, soy, egg and casein, in the meals.

Meal Replacement Powders
Meal replacement powders, or MRPs, are popular picked items for bodybuilders. Containing a blend of protein, carbs and fat along with vitamins, minerals and trace elements, it helps the body get all the nutrients required. After a long hour of workout in the gym, it becomes essential for bodybuilders to consume a healthy diet. MRP are nutritionally complete foods and make perfect replacement for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Creatine proves to be an effective natural body building supplement. It enhances the energy levels of your body and helps in driving out the feeling of fatigue. Remember, if you feel energetic, you will perform better, exercise longer and feel less soreness later. Apart from this, creatine helps increase muscle mass. Creatine is also produced by our body. Increasing its level, therefore, would definitely have improved results in your muscle building progress, boosting the level of tolerance to pain.


A natural supplement, glutamine helps build body mass effectively. Glutamine provides the body with enzymes that help you work out for a longer period without getting the pangs of stress and tiredness. Increase duration acts favorably as it also helps to workout much more. Glutamine also speeds up the nutrients in the body to the muscles, which results in large, more finely toned muscles.


Vitamins play a crucial converting food into energy. Calorie free molecules, it helps in processing fats, carbohydrates, and protein. While vitamins B helps maintain a healthy digestive system, Vitamin C lowers cortisol and produces collagen. On the other hand, Vitamin E helps keep your body’s immune system strong and Vitamin A aids in the production of Glycogen, which stores the energy.

Bodybuilding Tips For Beginners

August 17, 2009

When it comes to looking for ways to shape your body as well as increasing strength, bodybuilding tops the lists. An ultimate muscle building system, it reduces stress levels and teaches you to eat healthier. All you need is a will to maintain a strict fitness schedule and an undying motivation to transform yourself from being lean to being fit. For amateurs, however, there are certain things that one should keep into consideration before taking a step ahead. The foremost thing that one needs to realize is that he/she is a beginner and that there can be no comparison with professional body builders, at this stage. In the following line, we have provided bodybuilding tips for beginners to assess them in their endeavor.

Bodybuilding Tips For Beginners

Choosing a gym becomes one of the foremost concerns of bodybuilding. Make sure that the gym you choose is a clean and well-equipped one, with a good ambience. A gym that is nearby to your place will save your time apart from being convenient.
It is very important to set realistic goals for yourself. Remember, you need to strengthen your muscles, before building them. Time does not have a relation with bodybuilding. It does not count how fast you build your body, but how much you can.
Your mental frame of mind has important connection with your body. Remember, when your mind thinks positively that you can develop, your body respond automatically.
Finding a training partner can prove to be very beneficial. You can have healthy competition with him. It would also help in motivating you to workout harder.
Since you are in the initial stages, explore the different exercises. It will give you an idea about which exercise works best for you. A greater understanding of your body will lead to better results.
A frequent change in training program can act to your advantage, such as a change in the rest time between sets and exercises. Remember, to train every body part once a week.
You must realize that every day is not the same and that some days your body would work better than the rest of the days. Do not stress out your body, when it calls for rest.
Before plunging to weight lifting exercises, make sure you indulge in some basic warm-up and light cardio stretches. This would improve your body flexibility and also minimize the risk of injury.
Balanced diet is also an important consideration to make during bodybuilding. Consume four to seven small meals a day. Indulge in a lot of protein and carbs diet. Taking carbohydrates after the workout acts beneficially. On the contrary, impinge on fat, sugar and salt usage. Instead, go for low-fat or non-fat products.
Choosing an exercise routine can be advantageous. An effective workout will include legs (squats, lunges, leg extensions, leg curls and leg press), shoulders (military press, dumbbell raises and side laterals), chest (bench press, flyes and dips), back (pull-ups, rows, deadlifts and lat pull-downs), arms (ez-bar curls, barbell curls and dumbbell curls), abs (hanging leg raises and incline crunches) and cardio (for the heart).
It is very important that you should keep breathing while performing workouts. This way you would supply oxygen to the body, which is very necessary for muscle growth.
Proteins are the building blocks of our body. Consuming protein powder supplement or shakes can be useful in achieving lean muscle mass.
Lastly, take appropriate rest and do not over stress your body. Remember. It the only way your body would regain back the strength for the next day’s workout.

Teenager Fitness

August 17, 2009

In the contemporary times, teenager fitness is something that has become a serious cause of concern for the society. Teenagers are not really living a healthy lifestyle. Earlier, people used to follow the idea of ‘early to bed and early to rise.’ But, now our youngsters neither go early to bed, nor do they wake up early in the morning.

In the name of adopting healthy eating habits, teens prefer eating fad foods that virtually have no nutritional value. They always get lured into trying unhealthy foodstuff, ignoring the fact that they are harmful for their body. Even in case of drinking, adolescents are trying liquor, instead of going in for healthy drinks. Infact, their eating and drinking habits are taking the shape of binge eating and drinking disorder. Read further to know as to how to lead teenager healthy lifestyle…
Here are some teen lifestyle tips:


You should eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, as they are important sources of vitamins and minerals.
Milk and other dairy products like meat, fish, eggs etc should be consumed only in moderate quantities.
Fats should not be taken in large quantities, but then that does not mean, you don’t need to eat fats, but what is required is to restrict your consumption to smaller quantities.
Sugary foodstuff like cakes, biscuits, sweets, soft drinks, and ice cream can become a cause of tooth decay; so restrict your consumption to smaller quantities.
In a nutshell, your total food intake per day should be such that 50% of the calories should come from complex carbohydrates such as cereals, rice and bread. About one third contribution should come from milk and other dairy products and the rest from fats.

It is very essential for each one of us to do some sort of physical activity. Pursuing sports is not only a great hobby, but also a fabulous way to keep in shape. But teens tend to skip on this important aspect of their life, so as to hang out with friends. This is the point, from where youngsters deflect from their path of leading a healthy lifestyle.

Having a sound sleep goes a long way in maintaining your overall fitness. In fact proper sleep is one of the main beauty secrets of celebrities. If you have a healthy sleep, it shows on your face in the form of glow. Lack of proper sleep is likely to cause irritability and the scope of mood swings increases.