Archive for the ‘Running Health Benefits’ Category

Trail Running Race

August 17, 2009

If you are of the opinion that there is no variation in running, then you are definitely in for a surprise. There are different variations of running as well, one of them being trial running. Trial running is different from the usual running on the road. It generally takes place on hiking trails, most commonly single track trails. One of the most distinct features of such running is that the area is inaccessible by road, except at the trail heads. Hills, mountains, deserts, forests and narrow passages are common terrain on which trail running is done. You cannot pose to have a definite running rhythm for trail running. The rough terrain will obviously hamper the flow of smooth running.

Climbing steep inclines are a part of trail running. If you see a trail runner climbing up and down a steep incline, don’t be surprised. It is a part of trial running. During the initial stages, it might turn out to be a hard task at hand. This is mainly because of the difficulties that the road poses, but just as they say it, the more difficult, the better the journey gets. Chances are you might come across a pebble-filled road or that with bumps or even low branches and overgrown trees, but the idea is not to let it stop you from achieving what you have desired. A strong determination and sincere effort can turn tables and assists you in attaining your goal.


The experience of training on trails can be a pleasant one, only if you have the right gears to support you. When it comes to gears, shoes are the first items that strike our mind. Trial running shoes are different from the road running shoes. These are specially designed shoes, with stiff and nobby soles. Such shoes are made low lying to offer the wearer the best stability on uneven terrain. In contrast of the road running shoes, these are less ‘cushioned’ and have rubber or plastic compound mid-sole, to protect the feet from puncture wounds. Some of the other essential gears include wicking garments, water bottles, sunscreen, sunglasses, gaiters, maps, anti-insect spray and ivy block. Ultra light hiking poles can also be used for enhancing speed and stability.

Training & Race

In trail races, runners enjoy the blissfulness of nature. Exploring the unseen and unexploited nature rules the heart of trail racing runners. Chances are while running you might not have a single participant in sight. Trail races usually have well-equipped aid stations, offering both food and beverages after every 5 to 10 kms. Trial runners should have navigational skills, something which is not required in case of road running. The course taken by trail runners is self-invented one, a feature which is much against its counterpart.

Trail running take place as both recreation activity and as a race. For trial running, the best bet would be to incorporate both short and long runs. While the former would help in boosting endurance and leg strength, the latter requires the usage of peripheral muscles around your hips, ankles and quadriceps. If you have an undying love for adventure, trial running holds the key to a world of happiness!!

Run To Lose Weight

August 17, 2009

Running serves as an excellent workout choice to lose weight and keep in shape. It helps a great deal in getting rid of your flabby abs and bulging fats. In fact, today, health experts recommend running for weight loss. The results won’t be magical, but definitely far more effective, when compared to other forms of physical workouts. Running about 25 to 30 miles per week, leads to a loss of about 2800 calories. Remember, you don’t need to necessarily go in for fast pace running to lose weight. Rather, focus on long distance running at a slow pace, to fasten your weight loss program. Losing weight by running is a healthy way of managing your weight as well as ensuring a glow on your face. Given below are some running tips to lose weight and achieve a beautiful body that you had always craved for!!

Running To Lose Weight

The first step would be to prepare yourself for the fact that you will undertake a running program to lose weight.
Set realistic goals for yourself. You just cannot lose weight immediately and instantly. Know for sure that the process is a long one and it will take time to reflect the results.
Consider a complete program of exercise, diet and lifestyle changes. You ideal reason for running is to burn up more calories than what you consume. Running will definitely help you do so, but you also need to maintain a specific diet plan.
Taking into consideration that you are just a beginner, do not force yourself into a strict diet. To follow the new running regime you would require the necessary energy and the nutrients to run. Slowly, make changes in your diet plan.
Once you have made minor changes in your diet plan, slowly increase the distance. Do not set time limit for your running. The main goal at this stage is to keep going without injuring or hurting yourself.
This might come to you as a surprise but running also has a proper technique. If you are not running in the right way, you would end up hurting yourself. A change in the early stage would help prevent unnecessary injuries.
Do not worry if your weight goes up initially. This may be because you would be building lean muscle, which is denser when compared to fat. However, after the initial rise, you would realize that you have lost weight.
Instead of focusing on the running distance, focus on the running technique. You would definitely cover more distance with the right technique, thereby losing more weight. Remember, the more you run, the more you would end up burning fat.
Once you have become comfortable running and feel no ache or pain, start increasing the speed of running. This would help you burn your fat quickly.
Last but not the least, enjoy running. The more you run with pleasure, the easier it will be to lose weight. Remember, if it is no fun, it cannot be effective as well.

Gears For Running

August 17, 2009

Doing anything half-heartedly and without proper preparations doesn’t make much of sense. Running is a physical activity, which if done seriously, can do wonders to your body. Right from improving your cardiovascular functioning to losing weight and even enhancing the glow of your face, running can be extremely beneficial. However, to pursue any sporting activity effectively, there is a dire need to substitute it with proper clothing and accessories, and running is no exception. For performing well, one need to have proper running gears, be it shoes, apparels, caps, socks or even sunglasses. Keep in mind, if the running essentials are ignored, it can have adverse effects on your performance level. To get tips for choosing running gears, browse through the following lines.

Tips For Choosing Running Gears
# Shoes are the most important consideration to make, when it comes to choosing running gears. It is highly recommended not to go for designer shoes. Instead, get shoes that are specially designed for running purpose. For flat feet, shoes with motion control serve the best, while those with high arches should opt for cushioning effect.
Look out for a lightweight polyester running jacket and don it with a pair of running tights.
Apparels made out of fabrics such as supplex, Lycra, coolmax and polar fleece are the best bet. Getting apparels with zip or mesh pockets can be perfect for carrying gels on a long run or during a marathon.
When it comes to purchasing socks, get those made up of coolmax material for summers. For winters, thermax material is just apt. Do not get cotton socks as it would cause blisters.
Get a nice pair of sport sunglasses. This would help you avoid the glaring of the sun and also prevent sweat from running into your eyes.
Do not forget to buy hats and gloves. They are some of the most essential clothing accessories that a runner needs to wear.
For women, a nice fit bra is essential. Though it might turn out to be costly, you cannot rule out the fact that being comfortable is very important. Or else, be prepared to see chafe marks after the run.
Chafing becomes an important factor to consider when it comes to purchasing shorts. There are different varieties of running shorts available. Though cycling shorts, designed specially for the purpose of running, make the best bet, you can get other types as well of you feel comfortable.
The length of the shorts can vary. You can either go for fitted shorts or baggy shorts, with inseams ranging from 2 or 3 inches to 9 inches. Many men’s shorts styles have breathable liners for extra comfort.
Lastly, get running clothes that you look good in. Remember, when you look good, you feel great and when you feel great, you will definitely work better.

Running Tips For Beginners

August 17, 2009

Running is one of the most pleasurable activities that help in maintaining the overall fitness. People of all ages can indulge in it to keep themselves healthy and fit. Running is an easy, low maintenance sport that requires very little in the way of equipment. However, it can turn out to be a very boring and painful experience for the beginners. The prime reason for such a negative reaction is ignorance of some basic important information. The most basic fact is to develop a healthy routine that will not only take care of your body and create an enjoyable running experience. In the following lines, we have provided running tips for beginners, to make running a delightful experience.

Running Tips For Beginners


Get a new set of running clothes. Remember, when you look good, you feel good and also you deliver better.
Coming to socks, get socks specially designed for running. Do not buy cotton socks as these would only cause blisters.
Purchase shoes specially designed for running. Try getting shoes in the afternoon because this is when your feet are bigger.

Manners & Etiquettes

Do not forget the basic terminology of etiquettes – ‘Please’, ‘Sorry’ and ‘Thank You’.
When you are given water at the aid station, a small thank you would not cost you much and only bring a smile onto the face of race volunteers.
Do not carry coins. The sound can be disturbing for fellow contenders.


You need to set realistic goals for yourself. Know it for certain that not every single run can be an excellent one. Realize the fact that a bad is better than no run at all.
Get rid of words like ‘can’t’ and ‘never’. Such words would only infuse in you a feeling of negativity.
Comparisons are likely to rub you on the wrong side. So, the best would be not to compare yourself with others.
Do not over exert your bode and make it stressed out. Remember, your body needs rest.


Drink lots of water, even if you do not feel thirsty. Remember, staying hydrated is the best way you can enhance your running capabilities.
For long distance running, binge on a little bit of snacks every hour. This would help to keep your body going.
Eating spicy foods before running and the night before your long runs is a strict no-no.


Do not try anything new on the race day, be it food, shoes or even new brand of clothing.
It is advisable for beginners not to make a debut in a marathon.
In case of long distance running, start slow. Remember, the slower you start the better you preserve your energy to finish strong.
If you are breathing too hard, the best would be to slow down the pace or walk a bit until you are ready.
In case you get side cramps or stitches, start abdominal breathing.


Keep a track of the traffic.
Always carry an identity card.
Never run with the assumption that the car or bus will see you. Remember, self protection is the best protection.

Tips For Marathon Runners

August 17, 2009

Marathon is one of the most popular and toughest races that the runners indulge in. Training yourself for marathon running can be a tough call for those who are not in the habit of running. The activity demands real hard labor, so as to ensure effectiveness. Marathon training consists of running about 52,400 foot strikes. Before starting off with your marathon training program, you should get your body accustomed to running a minimum of 5 miles per week on pavement, as that would act as a mini-marathon training session. Remember, the key to achieve success in marathon running lies in endurance. In the following line, we have provided tips for marathon runner, to make the activity easy and enjoyable.
Tips For Marathon Runners

For Training

The foremost tip would be to set realistic goals yourself. Once you achieve the target, give yourself a reward. It might sound stupid, but setting goals, achieving them and then rewarding yourself goes a long way in enhancing your drive and commitment.
Plan your week much in advance. This will help you be mentally prepared for the schedule.
We all know that variety is the spice of life. Spice up your running as well by infusing a variation such as altering the pace, terrain and time you run for. This would make running all the more a delightful experience.
Rest holds the key for growth. After a day of hard workout, give your body some rest. The free time would help in restoring your energies and enhancing your capabilities.
As for the diet, take in lots of carbohydrate. It is the body’s fuel for exercise. Try to indulge in a healthy, balanced diet. Drink lots of water.
Running along can be very boring. Try to get a partner for yourself. This would make the experience all the more entertaining. Also, during times when you feel less motivated, you can look up to the person and regain back the energy.
Patience is quintessential. Remember, you cannot have immediate results. Successful running takes time.
Lastly, it is very important to have fun and enjoy the activity. You just cannot improve your performance if you do not like doing it.

For Running

Stretch your muscles at the start of marathon. This would help bring in flexibility to your body. Concentrate stretching around the leg region, including the calves, hamstrings, quads and feet.
Wear comfortable clothes on the race day. Get synthetic socks; instead of cotton ones, to avoid blisters. These socks also help to keep your feet cool, despite profuse sweating. Get a comfortable pair of running shoes.
As for food, the best bet would be to eat three hours before the start. Binge on foods rich in carbohydrates such as pasta, bagels and bananas. This would help you restore the body’s glycogen levels.
Keep you body hydrated. Water holds the key for enhancing the performance of the body and restoring the energy levels.
Take appropriate rest after the marathon. Icing sore areas and keeping feet elevated will help to relieving pain and swelling.

Long Distance Running Tips

August 17, 2009

Fast-pulsating heart beat, focused eyes and thumping feet – running can be one of the most exciting activities one indulges in. Long distance running covers the 5 kms, 10 kms, half marathon and marathon events. Though runners often account their experience as ‘great’ to whip the air and stride ahead, amateurs do not feel the same. Instead, for beginners, running can turn out to be a very boring and painful activity. Nonetheless, following a few essentials can turn tables altogether. Those of you who are interested in running either for enhancing your health or recreation or even to train for a marathon supporting your cause, the best bet would be to first develop a healthy routine that will protect your body and create an enjoyable running experience. To get some tips about long distance running, read through the following lines.

Long Distance Running Tips
The key to long distance running would be not to run too fast at the initial levels. Instead, run slowly in the first few miles.
The best way to increase speed would be to indulge in fast running for a day or two per week. However, do not start running on a steady pace everyday. This would only lessen your capability.
Remember, feeling lazy or lethargic is very normal. In such a case, there is no harm in indulging in slow pace running. Instead, it would act as a boon for you, as it would allow you to recover your energy to perform better for your quality workouts.
Do not dehydrate your body. Even if you are not thirsty, drink lots of water. Remember, water holds the key for efficient running and keeps your body in prime condition.
Rest is an important concern, if you are indulging in long distance running activity. Remember, our body needs a minimum of two days rest to regain back the energy for the next workout session.
Take rest the next of your long running and also a day before you have planned your hardest speed workout.
At the start of a new season, look for increasing the mileage base, instead of going for fast pace running. This would keep you tough for the entire season.
In the early days of the season, engage yourself in a month or two of hill workouts. This would make you stronger, improve the running economy and make you ready for quality workouts and races in the later season.
Remember, running fast or at an increased pace will not enhance your race times for longer distances and only leave you injured.
Long distance running brings in boredom. To relieve yourself from the monotony, change the pace of running from day to another and also in between a day’s run.
Do not stress out yourself. Instead, take a few months off every year. During this time, you can indulge in leisure running. This would definitely help you come strong in the new season.
As for the diet, eat lots of bread, potatoes, rice, vegetables, seafood, and fruits. Always keep a check on what you eat. However, you can break the rules, once in a while, and go for pleasure eating.

Choosing Running Shoes

August 17, 2009

Buying shoes for running is no kids play. There is a need to consider many factors, while choosing running shoes. It makes a lot of difference as to how many times you go for running in a week and for how many minutes, because that again acts as one of the major deciding factors regarding the kind of shoes that would be appropriate for your running goal. Well, there is no particular type or brand of shoes that enjoys the status of best running shoes. The shoe that is appropriate for one person need not be the right choice for the other.

If you go for running, say thrice a week, for about half an hour, then you can even opt for a pair of comfy sneakers. Also, they seem to be fine for those who have just begun their running session. But if you’ve been practicing running workout for more than a year, or if you are suffering from some sort of foot injury or pain, then there is a need to look out for a pair of good running shoes.

Running shoes should be more airy, as compared to the normal regular shoes, so always ensure that the shoes that you are planning to shop for have a large toe box. The shape of the shoes should be in consistency with your feet shape. As far as the fitting is concerned, running shoes are designed in such a manner that they don’t really stretch, because they are made up of synthetic material.

Everybody’s feet are different and owing to this fact, there arises the need to check out your feet type, so as to look out for the right shoes for running that will suit your requirement. For people having flat feet, motion control cum stability shoes seem to be the perfect choice, as they help to overcome the problem of overpronation, in which your feet tend to roll inward, while running. People having the problem of high arches need to look out for shoes that provide cushioning effect to your feet. So, understand your feet type and take a conscious decision regarding the kind of shoes you should go in for.

Running Health Benefits

August 17, 2009

Running is a fabulous workout to condition your body. It serves as the perfect remedy to get rid of your flabby abs and shed those extra pounds on your body. Not only it helps in fastening your weight loss program, but also it helps to overcome aging problem and thus makes you look ten years younger. In the present times, people are leading such an unhealthy lifestyle that they virtually have no time to workout, to strengthen their body and to keep fit. It is, thence, that running helps in strengthening your body muscles and keeping you in shape. Running also closes the gateway for diseases like breast cancer, heart stroke, diabetes, hypertension etc, thus protecting you from the clutches of these ugly problems. To know more about the heath and psychological benefits about running, check out the following lines.
Health Benefits Of Running
One of the most popular benefits of running is to reduce or manage weight. It burns more calories per minute, than any other form of cardiovascular exercise. Research proves the fact that running burns an average of 100 calories per each mile.
Running has proved to be beneficial in slowing the aging process. People, who run regularly, do not face muscle or bone loss in comparison to their counterparts.
Running helps to enhance the glow of the face. It promotes the human growth hormone which helps in staying young.
People diagnosed with osteoporosis, diabetes or hypertension, are advised to engage in running for a few miles per day.
Running is beneficial in reducing the risk of heart attacks, by strengthening the heart, lowering blood pressure and maintaining the elasticity of arteries.
Cancer patients are also advised to indulge in running as it proves to be helpful in improving their condition.
Regular running raises HDL (good) cholesterol, reduces the risk of blood clots and encourages use of the 50% of your lungs that usually go unused.
Running has positive effects on the immune system. It creates a higher concentration of lymphocytes in the blood.

Psychological Benefits
Running also has a positive effect on the mind of the person. It builds confidence and gives a feeling of empowerment and freedom that comes with knowing the fact that your legs and body are strong and capable.
We all know running reduces body weight and helps you gain a better self-image. With this, the runner also gets a boost in his/her personality and becomes more confident, than he/she ever was.
Running relieves a person off stress. The feeling of high that you get while striding ahead, beating past the air, refreshes the mind and the heart completely.
It might surprise you, but running has been used a treatment for curing clinical depression and addictions of all kinds. Patients often feel less tensed, less depressed, less fatigued and less confused after indulging in the practice of running.
The mind starts working fast when a person engages himself in running. While the body gets strength, the mind becomes more focused and determined.