Seven top tips for success

As a summary, here are my seven top tips for search engine success:
1 Find a great niche and create great content. Give your users
good reasons to come back and to bookmark, tag, and link to
your site. If you do only this and nothing else, your site will rank
well without any specific optimization activity. (See Step 1.)
2 Lay the right foundations. Host your site with a fast and flexible
provider, and structure the site symmetrically and with a logical
domain name, directory structure, and filenames. (See Step 2.)
3 Do everything you can with the assets under your control in
terms of on-page SEO, but realize that this only gets you to the
start line in the race for decent rankings. SEO is not simply an
exercise in decent copywriting. (See Step 3.)
4 Spend more time on directory submissions, article writing, and
online press releases. Provide a hook. Your site must be newsworthy,
funny, or controversial, or at the very least full of great
resources. (See Step 4.)
5 By all means use paid advertising, but only as an adjunct to a
decent organic search campaign (rather than the other way
around). Save money by targeting long-tail terms, tuning match
drivers, and crafting decent landing pages. (See Step 5.)
6 If your business has a local angle, put some focus into local
directory listings, geo-targeting, language optimization, and
Google Earth/KML optimization. As the web gets more local,
your investment will pay dividends. (See Step 6.)
7 If you can, create a business advisory blog and make it easy for
others to tag and syndicate your content and products. Increase
your presence on wikis, lenses, and other social networking sites
to futureproof your rankings. As a summary, here are my seven top tips for search engine success:1 Find a great niche and create great content. Give your usersgood reasons to come back and to bookmark, tag, and link toyour site. If you do only this and nothing else, your site will rankwell without any specific optimization activity. (See Step 1.)2 Lay the right foundations. Host your site with a fast and flexibleprovider, and structure the site symmetrically and with a logicaldomain name, directory structure, and filenames. (See Step 2.)3 Do everything you can with the assets under your control interms of on-page SEO, but realize that this only gets you to the

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