Tips For Marathon Runners

Marathon is one of the most popular and toughest races that the runners indulge in. Training yourself for marathon running can be a tough call for those who are not in the habit of running. The activity demands real hard labor, so as to ensure effectiveness. Marathon training consists of running about 52,400 foot strikes. Before starting off with your marathon training program, you should get your body accustomed to running a minimum of 5 miles per week on pavement, as that would act as a mini-marathon training session. Remember, the key to achieve success in marathon running lies in endurance. In the following line, we have provided tips for marathon runner, to make the activity easy and enjoyable.
Tips For Marathon Runners

For Training

The foremost tip would be to set realistic goals yourself. Once you achieve the target, give yourself a reward. It might sound stupid, but setting goals, achieving them and then rewarding yourself goes a long way in enhancing your drive and commitment.
Plan your week much in advance. This will help you be mentally prepared for the schedule.
We all know that variety is the spice of life. Spice up your running as well by infusing a variation such as altering the pace, terrain and time you run for. This would make running all the more a delightful experience.
Rest holds the key for growth. After a day of hard workout, give your body some rest. The free time would help in restoring your energies and enhancing your capabilities.
As for the diet, take in lots of carbohydrate. It is the body’s fuel for exercise. Try to indulge in a healthy, balanced diet. Drink lots of water.
Running along can be very boring. Try to get a partner for yourself. This would make the experience all the more entertaining. Also, during times when you feel less motivated, you can look up to the person and regain back the energy.
Patience is quintessential. Remember, you cannot have immediate results. Successful running takes time.
Lastly, it is very important to have fun and enjoy the activity. You just cannot improve your performance if you do not like doing it.

For Running

Stretch your muscles at the start of marathon. This would help bring in flexibility to your body. Concentrate stretching around the leg region, including the calves, hamstrings, quads and feet.
Wear comfortable clothes on the race day. Get synthetic socks; instead of cotton ones, to avoid blisters. These socks also help to keep your feet cool, despite profuse sweating. Get a comfortable pair of running shoes.
As for food, the best bet would be to eat three hours before the start. Binge on foods rich in carbohydrates such as pasta, bagels and bananas. This would help you restore the body’s glycogen levels.
Keep you body hydrated. Water holds the key for enhancing the performance of the body and restoring the energy levels.
Take appropriate rest after the marathon. Icing sore areas and keeping feet elevated will help to relieving pain and swelling.

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