Running Tips For Beginners

Running is one of the most pleasurable activities that help in maintaining the overall fitness. People of all ages can indulge in it to keep themselves healthy and fit. Running is an easy, low maintenance sport that requires very little in the way of equipment. However, it can turn out to be a very boring and painful experience for the beginners. The prime reason for such a negative reaction is ignorance of some basic important information. The most basic fact is to develop a healthy routine that will not only take care of your body and create an enjoyable running experience. In the following lines, we have provided running tips for beginners, to make running a delightful experience.

Running Tips For Beginners


Get a new set of running clothes. Remember, when you look good, you feel good and also you deliver better.
Coming to socks, get socks specially designed for running. Do not buy cotton socks as these would only cause blisters.
Purchase shoes specially designed for running. Try getting shoes in the afternoon because this is when your feet are bigger.

Manners & Etiquettes

Do not forget the basic terminology of etiquettes – ‘Please’, ‘Sorry’ and ‘Thank You’.
When you are given water at the aid station, a small thank you would not cost you much and only bring a smile onto the face of race volunteers.
Do not carry coins. The sound can be disturbing for fellow contenders.


You need to set realistic goals for yourself. Know it for certain that not every single run can be an excellent one. Realize the fact that a bad is better than no run at all.
Get rid of words like ‘can’t’ and ‘never’. Such words would only infuse in you a feeling of negativity.
Comparisons are likely to rub you on the wrong side. So, the best would be not to compare yourself with others.
Do not over exert your bode and make it stressed out. Remember, your body needs rest.


Drink lots of water, even if you do not feel thirsty. Remember, staying hydrated is the best way you can enhance your running capabilities.
For long distance running, binge on a little bit of snacks every hour. This would help to keep your body going.
Eating spicy foods before running and the night before your long runs is a strict no-no.


Do not try anything new on the race day, be it food, shoes or even new brand of clothing.
It is advisable for beginners not to make a debut in a marathon.
In case of long distance running, start slow. Remember, the slower you start the better you preserve your energy to finish strong.
If you are breathing too hard, the best would be to slow down the pace or walk a bit until you are ready.
In case you get side cramps or stitches, start abdominal breathing.


Keep a track of the traffic.
Always carry an identity card.
Never run with the assumption that the car or bus will see you. Remember, self protection is the best protection.

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