Understanding AdSense for Search

People find content on the Internet by searching for it. This is a simple
fact of life. You know it, I know it, and the folks at AdSense know it. You
can take advantage of this simple fact of life by installing AdSense search
capabilities on your site, capabilities that allow site visitors to either search
your site or search the whole Internet, all the while providing for a nice little
revenue stream back to your pockets.
If yours is a site that’s hundreds of pages deep, such a search capability for
both the site and the Web is essential. Even if you have a smaller site though,
search is an important element. Users may come to your site and find only
part of what they’re looking for. How will they find the rest of it? Whether
it’s on your site or not, you need to provide visitors with a way to find what
they’re looking for.
AdSense for Search gives you the search capabilities you need, but you have
to use it well. You have to work through a few things, including figuring out
how your revenues will be made and what kind of search options will be best
for the visitors who come to your site. You also have to think about whether
it’s worth customizing your search box. (Hey, adding your own logo is a
nice touch!) All these options make creating your search box a little more
involved than creating ads for content — the stuff I cover in Chapter 7 — but
I walk you through the rough parts.

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