Invalid conversions

One more aspect of conversions that you should pay attention to is the possibility
of conversions being considered invalid. An invalid conversion is any
conversion that AdSense deems isn’t the result of genuine interest on the
part of the Web site visitor who clicked the referral ad. Most usually, invalid
conversions are caused by Web site owners clicking their own ads, but they
can also be the result of automated clickbots, clicking contests — where you
offer a prize to the person who clicks an ad the most often or who clicks the
most ads — or other forms of click fraud.
Because I already know that you’re not using those methods to generate
AdSense revenues, consider this a refresher. Don’t participate in any such
fraudulent activities. They’re not good for the ad programs and can have
nasty results for you. Place your ads on your pages and allow visitors to
naturally click through them. Don’t try to inflate your numbers by requesting
clicks or convincing your friends to click through your ads.
Just let click-throughs happen. If you follow the principles I lay out in this
book and work diligently to create a Web site that has true visitor value,
earnings will happen. Then you can truly enjoy the revenue stream that
you’ve generated without worrying about when AdSense will catch on to your
less-than-honest methods.

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