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Information is the purpose of the Internet. People use the Internet to share
the information that they have and to find the information that they need.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re an individual or whether you’re part of a
company with thousands of employees. If you or your company has a Web
site, the sole purpose of that site should be to share information with site
Those site visitors might just be seeking information, or they might be seeking
products or services. The products and services, however, are secondary
to the information because before someone purchases your products or contracts
your services, he wants to know that his money will be well-spent. He
wants something and he wants to know he’s getting the best deal possible.
Constantly updated information comes in handy here. Content — information —
on your Web site needs to be regularly updated to get people’s attention. Equally
important for you as a site owner, regular updates are what it takes to keep a
search engine interested — and rating your site highly.

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