Adding the code to your Web site

After you select your ads and customize them to your tastes, all that’s left
is to generate the code and then paste that code onto your Web site. To
do that, click the Submit and Get Code button at the bottom-right of the
Referrals page.
The site processes for a few moments and then you’re taken to a page similar
to the one shown in Figure 12-9.
Copy the code and paste it into the HTML of your Web site, making sure you
place it between the body> and /body> tags of the site. (Okay, I know
there could be a lot of real estate between the body> and /body> tags on
a site. Exactly where between those tags you place your code is determined
by your profound study of AdSense ad placement principles, as outlined by
yours truly in Chapter 5.)
Every HTML editor is a little different, and the code for every Web site is different,
so I can’t tell you exactly where in the text between the body> and
/body> tags to put the code, but you can play with the placement until you
get it just right.
When you’re done, upload your Web site and you should immediately begin
to see your referral ad. Well, okay, you might temporarily get public service
announcements, but in most cases, the referral ad shows right away.
However, if it doesn’t appear on your site within 48 hours, you may have
done something wrong in the process and you’ll need to try again.

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