
If you haven’t already done it, check out AdWords. AdWords is the advertiser’s
arm of AdSense. With AdWords, you can bid to show your advertisements
based on keywords that you select. Remember: Although AdWords
is an advertising program, it’s not good just for products. You can use
AdWords with your services or even content Web sites, too. The point of
using AdWords is to advertise your site to users who might not otherwise
find you. What you sell or provide on that site is up to you.
The cool thing about AdWords is that you can set a budget that keeps you
from spending way more than you have available to spend on advertising
your site.
Of course, AdWords isn’t the only game in the advertising world. You can
also consider banner ads or even other pay-per-click advertising options.
What’s important is that you get your Web site in front of as many people
as possible.
Advertising probably isn’t the most effective method of getting your name
out there — positive word of mouth and great content are your best shot —
but if you have some cash to spend on getting your name known, it’s definitely
a strategy that you should consider.

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